

Inspirés par le style et l'harmonie des instruments italiens du XVIIIe siècle, mes altos sont des modèles personnels de taille 40 à 43 cm.

Alto 2020


Alto 2018


Alto 2015


"I’m playing on François Lebeau violas since 1995.

Through the years the instrument got better all the time, and the sound got deeper and richer.The viola is very comfortable and easy to play on.

As an active musician, a manager and a teacher I always recommended my students to buy instruments that François built, and through the years they were always happy and felt like me- we are playing on amazing instruments that are on a level that is very difficult to find.

On a personal level, the connection with François is always on the best professional level.

One of the amazing thing is that François gets better all the time and through the years, I noticed that no matter how much I like my viola, each time I visited his atelier I saw a better one."

Gadi ABADI General Director The Jerusalem Music Centre

Alto 2001


"I warmly recommend François’ instruments.

As an active chamber music and orchestra player, I’m lucky to play on François' viola, such an amazing instrument that fits perfectly to my needs.

As a section leader in the Basel Chamber Orchestra, I feel that I need an instrument that will support me with different styles and repertoires (from classical to contemporary music).

With François’s viola, I can express all the musical elements extremely well - warm and silky sound, great projection and very comfortable mensuration.

I enjoy playing it very much!"

Katya POLIN Alto solo Kammerorchester Basel

Alto 1998


François Lebeau

Rue de l'Arquebuse 10

CH-1204 Genève

+41 22 525 64 88



quator de geneve

Orchestre de la Suisse Romande


Association Ponticello


Lundi sur rendez-vous

Mardi à vendredi 9h-12h / 14h-18h30

Samedi 9h- 12h30

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